This is the story of my '64 Vespa 150 - how it became mine and how it has given me a new vespatude.  I'll be recording the neat places I visit, the different things I do to make the Vespa my own, and - oh yeah - those reactions I get from both friends and strangers.

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Sunday, August 27, 2006
Closer than ever!
Well, I communicated with Chelsea at SCOMO yesterday and we got the payment worked out. She says they are going to box it up and send it out today. I figure they will get it ready to go sometime early next week.

I had hoped to have gotten the engine here and installed by next weekend. The USACycling Pro Championship will be here in Greenville and I would have liked to have been able to follow them around to some of the spots where they would be riding during the race. Of course, at this point, I'm just glad I'm getting it period!

Here is what I know about the engine. It has a rebuilt case. My understanding is that it is an engine that the owner thought was messed up and he ended up buying a newer scoot. However, it was only a minor issue. So, I am told it is very solid. From this base there was added a DR 177cc cylinder kit. The carburetor is a Dell Orto/Spaco Si24/24 with oil injector. The exhaust is a Sito Plus. Along with these major parts, all of the bearings, seals, clutch mechanism, etc. have been replaced.

The original stator was rewired. I don't know if that is a good thing or not. I guess it allowed the mechanic to make sure the setup would match my bike.

I'll be taking the old one out this week. It's time to clean up the frame to get ready for the transplant!


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October 2006