This is the story of my '64 Vespa 150 - how it became mine and how it has given me a new vespatude.  I'll be recording the neat places I visit, the different things I do to make the Vespa my own, and - oh yeah - those reactions I get from both friends and strangers.

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Monday, November 28, 2005
The gears are here!
I'm not exactly sure when they arrived. I think it was after I got home from work this evening, but I never heard the doorbell ring. I had heard a truck outside the house earlier in the evening and saw what looked like a UPS truck heading down the street. I figured it must have been for a neighbor. Still, after dinnner, I thought I would take one more look. Sure enough! There was the box containing my four gears.

In just a couple of hours, I put the entire engine back together without adding gaskets or tightening the bolts. I wanted to make sure that I had all the parts I started out with and not any extras left over! The plan is that Mike will come over and help tear down what I have put back together and then we will inspect all the parts and put it together permanently (provided that there aren't any parts that Mike thinks will need to be replaced).

Maybe by this weekend, I will be able to take it out on a test drive. That would be nice -- provided the weather isn't like it is right now, rainy and cool.


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