This is the story of my '64 Vespa 150 - how it became mine and how it has given me a new vespatude.  I'll be recording the neat places I visit, the different things I do to make the Vespa my own, and - oh yeah - those reactions I get from both friends and strangers.

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Monday, October 24, 2005
Finding Vespa
I decided to make contact with the warehouse that is to receive my Vespa. Of course, I turned to Google to see what I could learn. "Land Air Services, Inc." showed up with a location somewhere in Tennessee, but it didn't have anything here in the Greenville area.

The phone book had nothing as well. However, the shipping notification form I received had the company listed at 161-A Johns Road, Greer, SC. I decided to drive over there and make visual confirmation. When I got to the location (finding it was a story in and of itself), I found that it was an empty building.

I then went around to the businesses surrounding the empty location. "Land Air?" the person I asked would say while turning to the person who walked in the room because they heard the conversation. "Isn't that the place over..." After several stops I ended up on the other side of I-85.

Then I recalled on the Internet that I saw a press releases that mentioned something about Land Air and Forward Air. So, the next place I stopped at, I asked if they knew where Forward Air was. This time we did find it in the phone book. I gave them a call.

"Yes, we used to be Land Air," the nice guy on the other end replied. "The owners went through a divorce and the company split between Land Air and Forward Air." The good news is that anything that was scheduled to go to Land Air in Greer goes to Forward Air.

We'll see how it all comes together tomorrow...


August 2005  
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